New Exhibit: Nativity Sets from Around the World
Updated: Dec 20, 2019
Come visit our new exhibit, Nativity Sets from Around the World; A Collection of Sally O’Grady. Opening on Sunday, November 24th, 2019, the exhibit features the best of Sally's collection, displaying over 150 Nativity sets. Mostly handcrafted, the sets were made in Peru, El Salvador, Mexico, Slovenia, China, India, Africa, Japan, Kenya, Ethiopia, Slovenia, Poland and Germany. Sally has collected Nativity sets since the 1970s and enjoys sharing her collection with others. Other Christmas collectibles, such as Advent calendars, books and pyramids, are also included in the exhibit.
Join us on a Sunday afternoon and view these crafted collectibles. The exhibit continues through January 26, 2020. The Cranbury History Museum is open on Sundays, 1-4 pm and will be closed December 29 and January 19.